Sunday, September 9, 2012

You're Just Weird!

I'm fascinated by Amish people. I don't really understand them, despite growing up in a faith family that shares roots with the Amish. Many of the thought processes that define how they live are very similar to the ones I was taught growing up in the Mennonite Church. So I'm fascinated. I wonder what my Amish neighbor thinks of me. What does he say about me to his children as they go by in their buggy. Do they even consider me remarkable enough to comment?

There are other people I encounter who are very different from me. The young thug with the sagging pants and exposed boxers is a good example. I know what I think and feel when I see him. What does he think and feel when he sees me? I'm not sure I want to know.

Ever wonder what goes through Donald Trump's mind  when he rubs elbows with regular everyday people on the street? What does he really think of you? (I assume you are a regular person. Why would an irregular person read this blog?) Consider your favorite celebrity. What do they think and feel when they move about among the general population? Do they wonder what it would be like to not be a celebrity. Can they empathize with the "fry guy" at McDonald's? Do they even have a clue about the lifestyle of people who don't enjoy nearly unlimited finances?

Ever spend much time around homeless people? There are different kinds you know. Some of them are mentally ill. Some are just down on their luck. Some are kids who ran away from home. What emotions attach themselves to the mental images you have of each of these?

Did you ever wonder if your opinions of who these people are inside are accurate? Here's a novel idea. When you interact with people who are different from you spend time discovering things you agree on. You might be surprised at what you discover. It will help you be civil when you discover your differences.

What do you think of this idea? Have any good stories about encounters with people very different from you?


  1. No good stories to share, but I was reminded again this weekend to see people as Jesus see's them. We human's are so quick to judge by our "meter", not by God's.

  2. God's been workin' on me in this area for years! Still have a lot of room to grow....
