Sunday, September 16, 2012

Afraid of Fear?

Our Illustrious President, Franklin D. Roosevelt famously said "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." I doubt this is the first time you have encountered this maxim. You may not have known its origin but I would be surprised if any American reached adulthood without hearing or reading this proverb may times. But is it true? Should we fear FEAR? Isn't fear good sometimes? Can't you use fear for motivation? Have you ever heard someone say they have a "healthy" fear of something?

Fear can definitely be a bad thing.  It can make you do the wrong thing or cause you to fail to do the right thing. Hit and Run accidents are caused by fear. If there is no fear there is no "run". Bullying works because of fear. Fear is a key ingredient of various other forms of manipulation. Fear is BAD!

Sometimes fear is good. It keeps people from all manner of stupid behaviors. It keeps most of us from cliff diving, base jumping, even skydiving. It is what makes roller coasters and horror films fun. So why is fear something we should fear?

Maybe we should just eye it warily...... Don't let fear stop you from trying something new. Don't let fear stop you from fighting for what is right. Don't let fear stop you from reaching out to people who may take advantage of you. Do let it keep you from doing something you are not ready for. Let it push you to adequate preparation. Enjoy the excitement and exhilaration that comes from facing fear head-on. Be the hero. Wear the badge of courage.

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