Monday, September 3, 2012

Despising the Commonplace

Have you heard the proverb "Familiarity breeds contempt."? There's a lot of truth in that old adage. It happens in our work, at home, in entertainment, transportation, recreation, hobbies, at church, in our communities. Sadly, this tendency of ours is robbing us of so much joy! 

There is joy built into the landscape around us. Doubt me? How do you feel when you take the time to watch the sun settle into the western horizon? You can't watch a sunset without a feeling of contentedness, peace washing over you. There's something healing about it. 

There is healing in the dawn as well. If it's been a while since you've watched the sun come up, set your alarm for half an hour before sunrise. Go somewhere with a view of  the eastern horizon and watch your world awaken. These, my friend, are powerful, joyful, healing moments.

The sun rises and sets every day. Every sunrise, sunset is beautiful, and yet, most of us seldom experience the wonder of watching it happen. Such a simple, every day kind of thing we take for granted because its always there. These simple, everyday blessings surround us. But we are so prone to dissatisfaction, discontent, and  unhappiness that we fail to notice.

Consider college football. I LOVE college football! When the last Bowl Game is played in January I feel a little sad because I know my beloved sport will disappear for the next eight months or so. Then, as summer begins to draw to a close I feel the excitement begin to build as talk of rankings and scheduled opponents begins to swirl. When that glorious Opening Day arrives, all the world (well a lot of people anyway) is abuzz with the anticipation of watching their favorite team compete and hopefully win the day! None of this would mean much, or be nearly as fun, if college football happened every week. You see? We lose our appreciation for the familiar. 

I remember going to a new church, with  a Pastor I hadn't heard preach before. This guy was good! I didn't get bored, or feel sleepy, or watch the clock to see how soon the torture would be over. I attended week after week, month after month, and something happened. The sermons were not nearly as interesting as they used to be.   I found myself getting sleepy, my mind wandering. One Sunday morning I found myself watching the clock! Then one morning someone else took the Pastor's place on the stage. Wow! I wish this guy would speak more often! He's much more interesting than the regular guy! Have you ever experienced something like this? It's not that the Pastor lost his skill. He simply became familiar to you.

The same thing happens with all of life. A new car loses its luster because we drive it every day. You need new equipment for your hobby. Is something wrong with your old equipment? Remember how pleased you were when you first bought it? Do you still think your community is the wonderful place it was when you first joined? Has it really changed so much or has it just become too familiar?

There is beauty, joy, wonder, all around me. I hope I never fail to live my days with gratitude.