Sunday, September 30, 2012

Holy Cow! We're having a Baby!

We had an ultrasound the other day. WOW! Makes me smile just thinking about it. Seeing that perfectly formed little person moving around in there is pretty awesome. We could see his/her brain, his/her heart beating, even the four chambers of the heart! It's too early to tell whether we're having a girl or a boy, but the professionals could pick out other internal organs even though  Little Person Henry  is only about 4 inches long. Amazing!

My wife and I are expecting our first child. Those of you who have already experienced this probably remember the emotions: fear, uncertainty, anticipation,and excitement, that all first-time parents experience. Now its our turn. We are having so much fun thinking about how we'll raise our child, looking for the perfect name, wondering if it's gonna be a girl or a boy, debating parenting strategies, planning the future (Yeah, we know that's kinda silly but we can't help it.). We spend lots of time talking about what life will be like when the little one arrives. We're 16 weeks in and it's starting to sink in I think.

Honestly, thinking about being a dad is pretty scary. There's a person who's going to be counting on me to protect them, provide for their needs, teach them how to live life. On the other hand, I'm really looking forward to the challenge of being a father to the tiny person who is joining our family. What a privilege it is to guide a youngster on their journey to adulthood. I hope I never lose the sense of wonder and responsibility I feel right now.

I wonder what the experienced parents in our lives would say to us. I would love to know more about what they experienced as they anticipated their first child. I suppose its an odyssey everyone has to take on their own, but it seems like it would be so enriching to hear other people talk about what it was like for them to make the transition from being just two to three or more.

This experience is so deeply moving that sharing it with others will help us connect with people in a powerful way. Sharing these life moments involves a level of vulnerability that can build a bridge between people that would otherwise have very little in common. I wonder how it would change our world if we would take the risk of opening up to others our hopes and fears connected to this and other life changing events in our lives.

What would you say about your passage from couple to parents?  Feel free to leave a comment, brief or lengthy, in the comments below.

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