The one could kill you. Soon. You could be cured. It's gonna be painful, and expensive, but you have a 50-50 chance of making it. The other will be with you the rest of your life. It's gonna hurt. Bad. You won't die from it, at least not in the next couple of years probably.
Not much of a choice is it? If you've experienced one do you wish it had been the other? If neither you nor a loved one has experienced either which would you pick? It's an impossible choice.
Millions of people have the choice made for them. And they often display incredible strength and grace in the midst of it. This blog post is a tribute to those who are living, or dying, with an illness they didn't choose. They display courage, class, and dignity. Only those closest to them know the pain they feel, the frustration they experience, the fierceness with which they fight. They can teach us so much about perseverance and determination.
To honor these unsung heroes leave your own tribute in the comment section below. Thank you.
*photo from FreeDigitalPhoto.net
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